A trademark search is essential before you name your product or service. I will search for potential problems that you should see before you go forward with your mark. I will tell you when your trademark registration is probably not even worth searching for because of other legal reasons. Don't waste your time and money before I search for problems.
Trademark registration puts others on notice that you own the mark. I'm an attorney with experience advising Florida companies on protecting their business through trademarks. Get my prompt, personal service for far less than the price of a large firm.
Licensing and assignment of your trademark are ways to generate money. Do you know the difference between the two? Before you do either, let me evaluate your situation to see which one is the best option for you.
Rejected trademarks are often not the end. The Trademark Office issues "Office actions" as a normal part of the registration process. I can handle your response to the Office action and help your trademark through the registration process.
Permission to use someone else's trademark? Do you know when you need it? Would you know who to ask? Avoid finding out the hard way, consult with me first.
Infringement of a trademark can lead to a costly court battle. Is someone using your trademark without your permission? Have you been threatened by a cease and desist letter because your company's name is similar to another's? Let me evaluate your situation and resolve the problem for you.