Trademarks protect your business' name, logo or slogan. A trademark or service mark distinguishes your product or service from your competitors. Before you spend tons of money on a brand or a logo for your company, consult with me first. I can conduct a trademark search to see if someone else already uses it. Plus I will help you protect your intellectual property by registering your mark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Licensing and assignment of your trademark are ways to generate money. Do you know the difference between the two? Before you do either, let me evaluate your situation to see which one is the best option for you.

Trademark assignment
Want to sell your business or the rights in products that you manufacture? Then you must also transfer the ownership of your trademark registration. I can draft a trademark assignment agreement and record your assignment with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Licensing your trademark
Thinking about franchising? Want to place your brand name on a wide variety of products? Don't let your valuable intellectual property be used by someone else or you could risk losing it! You will need a trademark license agreement that protects your legal rights. Let me write one for you.