Business law (including corporate law) covers everything from acquisitions to trademarks. I can assist you in all of your business needs, from starting a company to protecting its trade secrets. Running a business is hard work, so let me guide you in your important legal decisions. I will work with you to identify legal pitfalls that your corporation or limited liability company (LLC) should look out for.

Want to incorporate in Florida? I charge a flat fee to form a Florida corporation or s-corporation (s-corp). More importantly, I will find out which one of these types of corporations best fits your needs. Maybe you might be better off forming a limited liability company (LLC) instead. As your attorney, I will help you choose the best legal entity for your situation.

For $850, I will file your Articles of Incorporation with the state of Florida and obtain a federal tax identification number from the IRS. This fee includes the state filing fee, registered agent fee, a certified copy of your registration from the state, corporate bylaws, and corporate notebook.

Don't forget that your corporation or s-corp should have its shareholder agreement in writing so there are no misunderstandings later. Without one, the corporation or s-corp is governed by Florida's corporation laws. This may not be in the best interests of the shareholders. I can write an agreement that covers many issues that your corporation or s-corp might encounter.

I can also amend your articles of incorporation, change your corporation's name, and file resignation notices of officers and directors with the state of Florida.