Business law
(including corporate law) covers everything from acquisitions to trademarks. I can assist you in all of your business needs, from starting a company to protecting its trade secrets. Running a business is hard work, so let me guide you in your important legal decisions. I will work with you to identify legal pitfalls that your corporation or limited liability company (LLC) should look out for.
Fictitious name registration is a must in Florida if you are doing business as (dba) anything other than your legal name. For example, if Bob Jones is a sole proprietor and calls his business "Bob's Market", then he would need to register his fictitious name. The same goes for XYZ Corporation d/b/a Blue Dog, Inc. Let me handle this task for your business.
For a flat fee of $275, I will file your fictitious name registration with the state of Florida. This fee includes a name search, submitting the required public notice (newspaper advertisement), the state's filing fee, a certified copy of the registration, and additional counseling on what other forms or licenses you may also need. The fee does not include the newspaper's advertising costs.
Need to change the ownership or the name of the registration? I can do this for a flat rate of $295, which includes the state filing fee and a certified copy of the new registration.
If you want to cancel your fictitious name registration on file with the state, it will cost you $245, which includes the state filing fee.