protect original literary and artistic expression that is conveyed in a fixed medium. For example, a book, a song or a movie is protected by copyright law. Ideas by themselves are not copyrightable. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to mail a copy of your work to yourself (poor man's copyright) in order to obtain a copyright. Your work is copyright protected the moment it was created! It is still a very good idea to register your work with the U.S. Copyright Office so you can be awarded statutory damages if your work is infringed upon. I can handle your intellectual property needs, from assignments to licensing to registrations.
Copyright Infringement of a copyright can lead to a costly court battle. Is someone using your copyrighted work without your permission? Have you been threatened by a cease and desist letter because you downloaded music off of the internet? Let me evaluate your situation and resolve the problem for you.
Here are a few things that you could do if accused of copyright infringement:
1. ignore it (not the best solution)
2. stop doing the infringing behavior
3. counter with a defense
4. negotiate a license
Here's a glimpse into what you can do if someone is infringing your copyright:
1. ignore it (not recommended)
2. send a cease and desist letter
3. negotiate a license
4. go to court